Education A plus Builds Better Learners.

At Education A plus, we believe in a world where students, educators, and families achieve more while stressing less.

About US

Over the past 20 years, we’ve supported over 100,000 families in successfully navigating their school journey while achieving their unique goals and have supported over 700 school partners with their academic, executive function, and test preparation needs for students, faculty, and families.

With a combination of a research-backed methodology and an exceptional team of learning specialists, our goal is to seamlessly integrate our supports and services into the fabric of each of our school partner communities, enabling all students to become independent learners who crave new challenges and excel in the world beyond high school.


Our Tutors

Our exceptional tutors teach students how to embrace a growth mindset through our Revolution Methodology, blending essential post-secondary readiness skills tied to working memory, self-regulation, and cognitive flexibility with academic expertise so students can achieve better outcomes both in and out of the classroom.

Our Approach

Our program is guided by research including key concepts like growth mindset and executive function skills. This has lead to a holistic approach to tutoring that goes beyond just grades and test scores. Each of our programs includes methods for lowering stress, getting into the test zone, and building a positive mindset.

Our Advisors

Our academic advisors are dedicated professionals that work with specific schools and communities to offer a completely integrated experience with Revolution Prep. They ensure that each child has a tutor that is a perfect fit based on their needs and personality, and work alongside tutors to set goals and develop a plan to achieve those goals for optimal results.

Our Values

Stay positive, stay collaborative, stay focused

Set bold goals and reach for greatness

Innovate quickly and continuously
Treat everyone with dignity and respect individual beliefs
Engage in constructive feedback

Stay positive, stay collaborative, stay focused

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